Online data collection jobs work from home to Earn money (Rs.15,850/Weekly)
Our company is providing full time or part time data collection jobs which could be nice if you are jobless like beginners, freshers, Housewives, women, students, professionals,..etc. Now, this data collection work identical to the work of data collection companies in worldwide involves gathering information of people and many other topics. And then you have to prepare an excel report of the same. After that, you have to verify the data of the excel file completely, and finally send the excel document to us.
Make approximately 50 USD every day by doing our data collection work from home or anywhere
For our database collection work, our employees ought to gather the exact database information i.e., name or title, email address, address, cell phone number, pin codes, business information, employment or position of the person, associated category information plus facts and much more. From numerous websites, information centers, mobile data collection tools and more.
We gives 1.12 USD for each record. Only when the database details you collect data collection tool or any other way are 100% legitimate as well as correct.
Our company is collecting email addresses legally via email collection form and cost-free email collector for the information collection process. Here it is highly recommended for you to do the top quality job in an effective method for getting email addresses for the employee record collection work.
How to get a lot of email addresses and much more utilizing our collection software?
You get username, password and control panel for your account made from your email.
gather data from different sources as we say at your control panel from mobile number collector software.
Further, collect the data from suitable software/tools, online/offline resources, etc.
After that, you have to open the respective internet site or database record file in the computer and then enter the collected information to the excel document like free email lists for marketing to the related column.
When you are done preparing data of the excel document through resources. Next, you must contact to contact details in every record and verify that if the data is correct to make sure information is belonging only for that category.
And finally, send the excel document containing collected data to our company from uploading the excel document from your account's control panel. And then, the task is completed.
After we get your uploaded excel document, we verify your work and give income.
Each data gathered by you by online data collection software or any other way ought to be different, and also it can't be repetitive or even copied.
In case any of our systems happen to refuse any of your document(s), then you shall certainly not receive any payment for such a document. Since it could make the customer unsatisfied who truly is in need of the essential database records along with lots of email addresses for their requirements.
The total amount of cash you could probably make by our part-time data or database collection work
You are going to receive 1.12 USD for collecting one data of a database.
Collect 100 data daily, and receive 100x1.12=112 USD daily and 112x30=3360 USD monthly.
The reasons why you need to do database work offered by our company
Our internet-based database collection work opportunities could be the most easier work from home employment. Since you could do the data collection using mobile phones
We give you free tutorial videos that would describe how to collect email addresses at events online or offline. Along with the way to work with the control panel regarding database collection jobs.
How you can apply and then join for this job?
Choose "Apply Now" option at page bottom.
Then, you should get this job's application form so that you can join/apply for this work.
Type in the appropriate and necessary details in all the required fields.
select the "Submit" option to apply to this work and know how to collect email addresses on website, how to get free mobile data, etc.