Part Time Posters Sticking Jobs or Notice Fixing jobs | Outdoor jobs that Pay well without a degree to Get Rs.1500/Day
This company is providing leaflet or pamphlet sticking work similar to part time catalogue delivery jobs in the outdoors if you own bike, cycle, etc. And this work includes sticking of leaflet at specific locations in outside by traveling to that location from your vehicle. This work is great for lonely and jobless people.
Leaflet Sticking Jobs working outdoors to Get 125 USD for a Day
Anybody who was doing letterbox delivery In Part time could find this Leaflet sticking work offered by this company as the best employment opportunity.
And also, from this job, you could Get income in your Part Time or your free time. Further, this work could be Part time leaflet distribution jobs for teenagers.
Our company needs hundreds and hundreds of people for leaflet Sticking, mainly who are 15 years or above
You will have to stick all the leaflets in the early morning hours or maybe in the evening. For each day in 7 days or a week.
You can also find evening as well as afternoon pamphlet or leaflet sticking work that could be done after morning hours in this job.
What amount given for leaflet Sticking work in Urban or Rural Areas?
For Rural or non-urban Areas:
You're going to get 0.1 USD for each leaflet Sticking that is approximately almost similar to the income of catalogue distribution jobs in the USA. Next, you will know your approximate income estimate.
if you stick 1200 leaflets a day, then 0.1 USD x 1200 = 120 USD in a day.
And for a month, 120 USD x 30 days = 3600 USD.
For urban or metropolitan Areas:
You're going to get 0.1 USD for each pamphlet or leaflet Sticking. Next, you will know your approximate income estimate.
if you stick 1000 leaflets a day, then 0.1 USD x 1000 = 100 USD in a day.
And for a month, 100 USD x 30 days = 3000 USD.
Am I going to obtain any kind of Extra Profit?
You are going to get the opportunity to Make Extra Profit if you distribute leaflets or pamphlets like catalogue distributor jobs, that you intend to do, in addition to this leaflet or pamphlet Sticking job.
For our low cost or cheap leaflet distribution service income will be 0.12 USD for every leaflet or pamphlet you distribute. So now, your total approximate income is as follows:
For Rural or non-urban Areas:
For one day, if you distribute 800 leaflets, 800 x 0.12 = 96 USD a day.
And for a month, 96 USD x 30 days = 2880 USD.
For urban or metropolitan Areas:
For one day, if you distribute 1000 leaflets, 1000 x 0.12 = 120 USD a day.
And for a month, 120 USD x 30 days = 3600 USD.
Moreover, this work is not similar to Part Time door to door leaflets delivery jobs.
Why you might want to do this leaflet Sticking work offered by our company?
No need to give money to apply/start/do this leaflet Sticking work is very easy work compared to Part time magazine delivery jobs.
There are absolutely no secret regulations and rules for our leaflet Sticking and Distribution work that is like circular delivery jobs.
You are going to be getting income for the hard work On a monthly basis right away from our regional pamphlet or leaflet work managing representative. So, you may not need to worry regarding questions like "is leaflet distribution a good job in free time?. Yes, This is a best outdoor jobs with a degree"
Guidelines of this company for its workers and applicants of this job
You could apply/join for this job, similar to Part time newspaper delivery jobs as an individual or as a team.
Importantly, that is definitely not like post office leaflet distribution in Part time job.
How to apply or join to this leaflet Sticking work?
Select the "Apply Now" option at this page bottom.
After that, you should get a job application form to join/apply for this work.
Enter the correct required information in all the mandatory fields.
After that, select the "Submit" option, to get fundamental details like pamphlet delivery wages and more from us.